Model City, a Centric original series, takes an up-close look at the world of black male models. The reality series follows the lives of four Black and Latino male models of RED Model Management NY, as they work to make a name for themselves, while dealing with the various challenges of “making it” in the female- dominated modeling industry. Models Wendell, Ibrahim, Nelson, and Zeric grant viewers exclusive access into their fast-paced lives, and their never-ending 24/7 grind to become fashion’s elite faces. Model City documents the contrast of model’s glamorous runway lifestyles with the realities of being a black model; less jobs, more competition, as well as the general struggle to stay on top of the game while handling rejection, exhausting schedules, jealous girlfriends, and the personal insecurities that can come along with the job. The Series is executive produced by Sean Joell Johnson of LeftCenter Entertainment and Kelly Welsh of CrossRoads Media, in collaboration with Centric's Executive Vice President and General Manager Paxton Baker, and Centric's Senior Vice President of Original Programming and Development Essie Chambers.
1 comment:
I started this First enrty 10 months ago. At that time I was coming to terms with what I wanted to do in life, as I was Contemplating on what this path maybe. I began to find a strong interest in the Agency of Red Models.
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